Digital literacy

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Welcome to the ICT Portal

Historically, human beings have used different ways of organizing and presenting information, and for communication. Language, script, print, mass media such as radio and television have been important information and communication technologies (ICT). Whenever a new ICT is introduced, we see significant changes not only to education and knowledge processes, but also to larger socio-cultural, political and economic structures and processes.. What makes the current ICT different is their digital nature. With information creation, access, processing and sharing becoming quicker and simpler, society is now being shaped these processes, so much so that, the term Information Society (a term used by the sociologist Manuel Castells to describe our current society) is used to describe society today. Participating in this society requires the development of new skills as well as an understanding of how these processes are affecting society. Development of digital literacy skills is required for all, to navigate this ‘information society’. Teachers, student teachers and teacher educators need to be able to use ICTs for their professional development, through self learning, peer learning, in digital resources creation and in teaching-learning. They must develop a critical understanding of the larger positive and negative implications of the design and adoption of ICTs in society. This portal has resources for ICT learning.

Explore an application

The digital world is full of offerings, software applications, web tools, digital resources and is open to teachers and students to dive into it and learn. Such learning is not only becoming familiar and comfortable and competent in the use of different digital methods, but also strengthening ones own capabilities for self-learning and peer based learning. This section will give you an organized representation of the different software applications categorized according to the type of applications. Click here for exploring different applications.

ICT Curriculum and syllabus

Participating in today's information society requires the development of new skills as well as an understanding of how these processes are affecting society. The National ICT Curriculum, developed by CIET, NCERT, is a response to this requirement. An ICT textbook has been developed by the state of Telangana based on this curriculum. An accompanying teacher handbook is also available. Resources for digital literacy are available here.

Technology in education

Education is the making of society. Education does not merely 'serve' the public, it 'creates' the public. As practitioners, we need to engage with the questions of why, what and how of education. The repository will feature readings on education from different philosophers of education. Periodically, study circles will be organized based on selected resources. Do access these resources, discuss these in groups in your school or district and share your reflections.

Courses for technology learning

To stay current in your knowledge and also to improve your skills. you can view / access different courses available on various platforms

  1. ICT course for B.Ed students
  2. CIET course ICT curriculum
From the teacher community

This is a resource file uploaded by Suchetha, Mathematics teacher, GHS Thyamangondlu. This is a geogebra file showing construction of an irrational number.

Current technology news
  1. The Department of School Education & Literacy, Ministry of Human Resource Development is planning to build a National Teacher Platform (NTP) for the benefit of Teachers in School, Teacher Educators and Student Teachers in Teacher Education Institutes (TEIs).
  2. K Kasturirangan heads panel on National Education Policy

Click here for the different state textbooks in different languages.

Videos and interactives

Search here for video resources and other interactives.

Question banks

Search here for Question banks.