Modern school systems tend to be large. Whether managed or regulated by the government, the number and variety of schools tend to be huge. Given the imperative of a public schooling system as an instrument towards building a democratic society, the leadership and management of schools towards these objectives become a critical issue.
The education department as a part of the government system itself offers some fascinating possibilities for skillful adaptation of leadership and principles - e.g. the principles of academic rigor, continuous learning through active reflection, reading and writing would be paramount needs rather than mere action to fulfill ‘mandated’ tasks. The Education department in this sense could be visualized ‘as a ‘learning organization’, ‘leading and managing' the process of learning in a formal school system and Education administrators could be visualized as potential role models for creating such learning organizations through the spirit of continuous inquiry, critical reflection for learning.
A critical requirement of such a 'learning organization' is spaces or fora for the members of the education system to interact, learn from one another, as well as have access to established knowledge sources in various areas, including that of education leadership and management. Physical spaces, such as meetings, workshops, reviews, etc can provide learning opportunities. Digital technologies provide opportunities for creating virtual collaborative spaces as well. The National ICT Curriculum, 2013 from NCERT highlights 'connecting and learning' as an important theme for integrating digital technologies into education. This site aims to be one such virtual space for education leaders in Karnataka.
A second theme highlighted by the ICT Curriculum is that of 'creating and learning'. This site hosts a MediaWiki Open Educational Resource (OER) repository to support such learning by teachers, teacher educators, and education administrators.
The site specifically aims to serve the following purposes:
- provide access to resources in education consisting of education perspectives and philosophies as well as experiences from the field, both in India and elsewhere
- provide a space for 'sharing' amongst education leaders in Karnataka
- provide a space for collaborative projects that can create knowledge in this space through discussions on issues.
For interaction and sharing, the site provides blogs and wikis features. This needs each participant to create a user login.
Welcome to your site! For any information or clarifications, do write to us at webadmin[at]karnatakaeducation[dot]org[dot]in