Telangana science workshop1 dec 2015-16

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Objectives of the workshop

The first MRP workshop for Science is being conducted from Dec 15-19, 2015.


  1. Agenda

Participant Profile

  1. Participant Information Form
  2. View the participant information

Day 1

  1. Importance of Free and Open Source Environment
  2. Circulars on adopting Public (Free and Open Source) Software
  3. Ubuntu
  4. Creation of a personal digital library
    1. Internet – a new method of learning
    2. Note_on_Internet_access
    3. How to access the internet
    4. How to create a Personal Digital Library
  5. Using a text editor

Day 2

  1. Emailing
  2. Phet
  3. Text editing
  4. Combining images and text
  5. Telugu typing - itrans method in Ibus Ubuntu

See here for videos on Ubuntu, Libre Office, GIMP, Geogebra

Day 3

  1. Freemind
  2. Handout for Freemind
  3. Emailing
  4. Text editing

Day 4

  1. Screencast Recording
  2. Ubuntu Installation Handout

Video on Kalpavriksha installation produced by Balaji Sir, UPS Kondapur

Day 5

  1. Emailing
  2. Spreadsheets
  3. Participant feedback form
  4. Combining images and text

Participant Feedback

Click here to give feedback.


  1. Practice Science tools
  2. Send Emails everyday
  3. Complete your topic resource document
  4. Identify district lab and plan for training

At Workshop
